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/ Institut d'études religieuses

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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus , le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre croissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant
2002 The contribution of feminist biblical hermeneutics to a theology of ministries
2020-09 The Holy Spirit in an urban African religiosity, between tradition and transformation : a case study in two Christian denominations in Yaoundé, Cameroon
2002 Théologie et politique : articulation épistémologique et méthodologique de Johann Baptist METZ à Clodovis BOFF
2018-07 The Path of the Logos : the relevance of the practice of Bible study in an American prison
2002 The perfect tense in John 8:12-59
2012-03 The Political and Artistic Program of Prince Petru Rares of Moldavia (1527-1538 and 1541-1546) and the Fresco Series Depicting the “Life of the Mother of God” in the Church of Humor Monastery
2001 The problem of double jurisdiction : paths to renewal
2009-11 The role of the Ruah YHWH in creative transformation : a process theology perspective applied to Judges 14
2013-04 Towards a new Qur’ânic hermeneutics based on historico-critical and intertextual approaches : the case of the crucifixion of Jesus in the tafâsîr of eight muslim exegetes
2007 Towards an inculturated african communal model of ecclesia : clergy-laity collaborative ministry in Igboland of Southern Nigeria